You could qualify for VAT exemption on certain products providing you have a chronic condition...
To get the product VAT free your disability has to qualify. For VAT purposes, you’re disabled or have a long-term illness if:
- You have a long term condition that’s treated as chronic such as Diabetes. Fibromyalgia or Arthritis
- You have a physical or mental impairment that affects your ability to carry out everyday activities (eg blindness)
- You’re terminally ill
A condition is generally regarded as chronic if you have had it for over 3 months but you don’t qualify if you’re elderly (but able-bodied) or if you’re temporarily disabled.
If you choose the VAT exempt option you will be required to return the exemption form (which can also be accessed here) which will be included along with a pre paid envelope with your order to be returned to us.
There are no assessments or doctors note's required and the information is not shared, we just need to keep your declaration form on record.