NewMed's NEW PEMF Product Education Guide
So after a lot of time and effort, NewMed have released their new PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) therapy education guide.
We get a lot of customers wanting to know more about PEMF therapy before they choose to buy products and this new education guide has really got everything you need to know about it. We have put the guide together from all of our knowledge on PEMF therapy and all our knowledge of the products we stock.
We have included a price list of some of our products and there is information on every individual product we sell, from full body systems to localised systems and all the other products in between; even PEMF for pets!
On pages 5-7 you can read about what PEMF therapy is and how it works, including some science behind the therapy. Then on page 8 we have a page of listed conditions that PEMF therapy can help you to manage and there is a huge range of conditions it can help with. Remember though, PEMF therapy is not condition specific, almost anyone can use it. There is even a page inside to help you to decide what device would suit you the best! However if you would like some extra advice on what product would be the most suited to you then you can always call us on Freephone 0808 1689 282 and speak to a member of our team who would be happy to help you.
So, Request your FREE Education guide to PEMF therapy guide today. The link to our website to request yours is https://www.newmedltd.co.uk/pages/brochure-request
Thanks for reading another one of my blog posts!
Grace Emmerton – Sales Administrator.